Friday, February 23, 2007

Presence of God in us as per distributed computing

Prerequisites: It is assume that the reader of this article is aware of the basic networking terminology like Server, Terminal, LAN, Network ports, etc. and believe in God.

Purpose: To distribute the entire application into different inter-related components connected through common standard protocols (rules of communication). These components can be in a LAN (Local area Network) or WAN (Wide Area Network) but uses the same standard protocols and network ports.

Relation: For instance, If we were dumb terminals who have the basic processing functionality. And the server is waheguru ji (God).

Description: There are mainly two ways how the server is able to know the present status of the terminal.
1) The terminal keeps on sending a request of update to the server and thus sending its present status.
2) The server puts a small server-component in the terminal that has the rights to access whatever data is required by the server from the terminal.

Let us take the second scenario. Where, we being dumb terminals have given all rights to the server component (waheguru ji), which makes the server (waheguru ji) knows each and everything about us (terminal).

We being dumb terminals (so dumb), don’t know how to access the API (Application Programming Interface) of the server component to get information about the server and use its services.

If the terminal has a list of server API and has access to it then the terminal can take help of the server’s helper functions, services, etc and work more smoothly and in right direction. But, How!!

Guess what, the server is so advance and nicely designed that it has provided the terminals with its documentation (Guru), which can guide the terminal to use appropriate APIs in order for its smooth working.

The documentation is so nicely done that it also tells about the network ports (dasam duar), that the terminal needs to access for connecting to the server. It tells terminal about the adverse effects of giving system rights to other resources like maya (materialism, temptations), kaam (lust), krodh (anger), etc. It also tells about the exception handling techniques {Ardas (means: a request, a supplication, a prayer, a petition or an address to a superior authority), kirtan- prayer, etc} for handling any of the above exceptions to get back to a smoother processing. Also the routine maintenance programs (like daily nitnem-prayers, naam simran-Meditation, etc) for better management.

Conclusion: As everyone (especially Engineers) knows how important it is to have a proper documentation of every distributed component, also shows how important it is for terminals to follow the guidelines of the documentation and helper services given by the component.

If the above description makes sense, then this proves the following:
• Waheguru ji is present is each of us. As he knows everything about us.
.....o Manas ki jaat sabh ekeh pehechhan (Meaning: All humans are the same. As he resides in all of us and we all are blessed by the same Server)
.....o Aggey dekhai picchho dekhai, tujh teh kahaa chupaayae. (Meaning: We cannot hide anything thing from him, he knows everything about us)

• The importance of Guru in our life.
.....o Jeh sou chanda ugavey, suraj chareh hazaar, attey channan hondeya. Gur bin ghor andhaar (Asa-di-vaar. Meaning : The light from hundred moons and thousand suns means nothing without the light of the true Guru)
.....o To get the Gurprasad (The right method needed to meet and understand him) of mool mantra.

• Importance of true guide (Guru) in our life (Warning: As the component is public so the there would be countless version of server’s documentation. Make sure that you have the right version).
.....o Aisey gur ko bal bal jayiae, aap mukat mohey tarey (Meaning: I am sacrifice to the true Guru who has achieved the ultimate destiny and can also help me achieve it).
• This documentation is not a mere block of text and phrases, these are guidelines following which a terminal can get access and pass through the firewall of the Server.
.....o Log jaane ehh geet hai, Eh tou hai bhramm vichaar (Bhagat Kabeer das ji. Meaning: These are not mere songs for entertainment, but they are the description about the ultimate superior power God, that can help us understand him and prepare ourselves better, as per his will).
• And many more (Feel free to add your inputs).

Thanks to veer (brother) Gagandeep Singh ji for this excellent explanation