1. This is not an issue of Akalis going for a revenge. Anyone in power would not ask for the trouble. This is a case of Sikh sentiments being hurt.
(News channels have repeatedly being saying that its a fight over faith between Dera and Akali Sikhs. This is totally false! It's a fight between "All Sikhs" and the Dera)
2. The instigation has deliberately been done by the Dera Baba who has tried to imitate the tenth Master of the Sikhs.
3. Its not just dress code, he has tried to play and mimic with the teachings of the Guru Sahib- instituting his own style amrit like
- he has 7 persons for his sharabat first and Guru Gobind Singh ji has panj pyare (5 beloved ones)
- he asked his followers to use "Insaan" with their names and everyone know that it was Guru Gobind Singh ji who asked Sikhs to use Singh (for males) and Kaur (for females) with their names.
and unfortunately just the way it happened in 1978 that led to operation bluestar and then 84 riots.
4. Anyone Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian who has slightest knowledge of Sikhism can easily make out the intentions behind the ads.
5. The Dera followers were aware of the instigation and were prepared for the Sikh reactions. within hours of Sikh Protest 12000 Dera followers came armed and created havoc in Bathinda. Most of them were armed with same size of lathis as reported by News Channel.
6. The congress behind these instigations and trouble is factually proven by photgraphs and videos, as almost 6 congress MLAs were part of the mob which created havoc in Bathinda.
7. Tolerance does not mean that you demean the prophets of any religion and then ask the people not to react. And mind it the reactions by Sikhs have been democratic and mostly peaceful.
8. There were 1.5 lakh Sikhs yesterday at Sabo ki Talvandi to protest against the Deras misendeavors. Has there been any violence or damage to public property? What more can be the tolerance?
9. It was Dera followers who opened fire to the crowd coming back from Talwandi Sabo. Their Dera is on the main road and they opened fire, killing 1 Sikh (Kamaljit Singh) and injuring several others. How come Dera followers got armed with guns and ammunition?
10. Dera followers distributing lathis (sticks) and collecting stones was shown in one of the news channel on Thursday evening.
11. There are hundreds of Deras running in Punjab and never ever the Sikhs harassed or protested against them. Yes unless these Deras have tried to deliberately play with Sikh sentiments.
12. I would request all to support Sikh sentiments and expose this Dera.
13. I would also request Sikh bretheren to not to play in the hands of politicians. Let us maintain our composure and peacefully protest against the Dera Head's misadventure.
Pope had 2 say sorry 2 Musilms,so must Ram Rahim..
Dear SINGHs,
Many Indians feel that Sikhs are over-reacting. However, i strongly feel otherwise! Rather, they've been restraining themselves, despite provoking comments & imitations by Dera since Jan'07. Sikhs have been peacefully condeming so far in last few months. The only person which got martyered (shaheed) 3 days back in Punjab is also a Sikh.
"Dera has NO business to copy rituals or maryada of Sikh. Also, they must NOT compare themselves with the martydoms given by the likes of Guru Arjun Dev Ji, Guru Teg Bahadur Ji, Guru Gobind Singh Ji, his sons and lakhs of Sikhs - since 15th century"
The way Hindu community reacted to M F Hussain's painting few years back \Or Muslims reacted to Pope's comments later last year, Sikhs are very JUSTIFIED to react. Let us bear in our minds that Pope had to apologise to Muslims!
TRUE Rgds,
Mandeep Singh - MUMBAI
>> I would also request Sikh bretheren to not to play in the hands of politicians. Let us maintain our composure and peacefully protest against the Dera Head's misadventure.
This is sensible and what i expect from a sensible person like you.
Why Indians are so emotional? Lets not discuss whether dera head is good or bad. The issue is of freedom, if everyone takes law into their hands or threatens to do it, what are we talking about one country? How can the Sikh clergy ask to close the Deras. On what grounds. If there is immoral or antisocial activities, you should complain about that and ask to stop. Its like crucification of Christ, without giving right reasons.
Indians are proud/respect of sikh courage and sacrifice for the country. Please do not use that against the country.
I do appreciate that there is relatively less violence. But, why make such a big hue and cry and threaten the basics of the nation and constitution? Veiled threats on going back to terrorism days are not the way to go. If this is the way everyone wants to go, we should split this nation. Do not use this as a chance to show other, dont mess with me. I am threatened.
As you say, we are Indians. Its not good that one community is aggressive than the other. Be it Muslim, Hindu or Sikh. Did u in your mind justify the MF hussain protest and Pope protest? Those protest were also as bad.
What does Indians do other than protest and be emotional. Be it the Book on Shivaji, or the Rajkumar death, MF Hussain Painting, Ambedkar statue desecration. Jaspreet, didnt u consider these as acts of stupidity. Or did u appreciate these protests?
If i say something against a community, you can protest, not kill me. I cannot live in a threat that my brother will kill me. Its like living in Pakistan as a Hindu.
Lets live like normal people. Sikhs are never discriminated in India. Sikhs live with pride and is respected, be it North or south. There are many communities in India which is discriminated against. Just bcos they do not go around brandishing Swords, doesnt mean that they do not have self respect. It is better to protest in a CIVIL way and like civilized humans. Not getting emotionall hurt with everything and threatening.
We have enough intolerance in this country, why add to it. If a sensible and cool person talks so hyper about it, I can understand what is the state in Punjab. Please do not get hyper on my comments, I am not leaving my name because I do not want to loose such a *good, *cool, *sensible friend like you.
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